There are only two available categories of what
novels I read – “The ones I liked reading, and the ones I loved reading”. Most
of “the Cook Books” I read have made me fall in love with them all. So far I
have read about 12 of his works which have always amazed me at the grueling medical
possibilities lest the horror that they have to offer the reader to keep them
from eating and sleeping without thinking about the subject and pondering over
for the side effects of technology and business on medicine.
One such novel is “Mindbend” (1985).
People presume that pharmaceutical companies
are the ones which provide real solution to human illness. Doctor prescribes
what he has learnt is the best among the available brands. More than the
chemical composition of a medicine, marketing is taking a toll over the general
opinion that a Doctor arrives to, by judging through summaries of some real
research in journals.
The novel shows how doctors are pitched for
making a positive opinion about the medicines released afresh by the pharmaceutical
companies, how much important are the executives in convincing medical
practitioners to prescribe their company’s medicines.
Horror reveals page by page when renowned
doctors go on conference cruise organized by a pharma company, Arolen, and when
they come back in business, a good ten percent doctors either join the Julian
Clinic run by the same mother company MTIC or they start acting as if they are
its drug marketing agents. Adam, a Doctor to be, joins Arolen because of his
financial fix when his wife Jennifer has an unplanned pregnancy. Jennifer
thinks her developing child is safe in trusted hands of her Gyn, Dr.Vandermer. Jennifer
is agonized when the doctor suggests aborting the baby owing to its genetic
abnormality. Being sales personnel of Arolen, Adam grows suspicious about the
cruise when Dr.Vandermer so strongly prescribes a medicine of Arolen he hardly
had belief in, after he returns from Arolen conference, announces that he would
join Julian clinic and his behavior seems so parallel with rest of the staff at
Julian clinic.
Adam finds out in his nerve racing trip in
Arolen cruise impersonating a doctor and later in his stay at their research
station, that they modify the minds of the medical troupe on cruise though
psychotropic drugs and psychosurgery. Though the story seems farfetched to be
true, it explores the possibility of business taking over the noble profession
of treating people of their illness.
Needless to say, the story makes the reader
race from start to end at one go!
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